Saturday, October 06, 2012

One Hell of A Fun Dream

It's been awhile since my last dream post! Although, I have been having dreams quite a lot, but they were too broken up or spread apart to fully write down. This time I had a rather fun and adventurous dream.. I saw many nostalgic faces; old friends from when previous schools haha~
I hope you enjoy the read!! c:

It was a warm sunny day of early June and something festive was brewing.. you could just taste the excitement in the air. Everyone was chattering in anticipation when a blanket of silence stretched across the gymnasium as the speaker walked towards the mic. The largest event was about to be announced, the game of JURY!!!

JURY - A monstrous jungle gym obstacle course event which involves the combination of schools, ranging from grades 6 to 12 coming together to play in the event! The vast number of the student body was then sorted into colored groups: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and White. Afterwards, individual colored members go through a mini trial to sort into smaller teams.. *How you are sorted: Riding down a huge slide on a toboggan and at the end, the number appears at the bottom*

A wave of voices echoed loudly in unison, like an extremely hyped concert crowd. The energy and adrenaline.. the excitement made my heart race. This is it! This is it! THIS IS IT!!!! I was so pumped, I thought I would burst. Everyone was quickly into numbered teams. I, myself, is color Red and landed in team 10~ the thrilling ride down the slide joined by nostalgic faces of both old and new friends met throughout my school years.. Each numbered team would begin the obstacle course at their numbered gates. Each team made their way to their numbered gates. Ours was Gate 10.. and with the sound of the siren, the game of JURY begins!!

- Obstacle One -
Climb up the padded tower within the time limit & swing across the valley.

This part of the obstacle required agility and nimbleness to run up the wall and kick off from it to reach the hovering platform on the other side just above our reach. The more athletic members of our team went first to help those who fall short of the jump. Thankfully, even though I'm not particularly athletic, I made the jump.. though just barely, haha! A few of our team members almost got swallowed up by the pit.. the floor opened up below us after a certain time limit. After the jump, climbing the tower was easy and the swing down was fun! I enjoyed the wind on my face and the greenery below. (Yes I didn't mention, the game does not reside near cities.. the obstacle course is as big as a small deserted island)

- Obstacle Two -
Hit the sensor while riding on team mate's shoulders, member color black on top and any color member on the bottom. Total of 3 tries. Fail and sent to the mud-climber.

After the long swing down, we arrived at the next obstacle. This part of my dream was pretty fun and required quite a bit of team work.. especially because there was only 3 tries permitted. Surprisingly, my grade 8 teacher, Ms. V was the judge on this part of the course! Anyway, our team decided to have our best scoring black colored member to shoot the baskets. Luckily, he was light, the rest of our team members built a human tower to raise him as close to the sensor as possible. We had one team mate out of the tower to pass him the ball.

We were not the only group who reached this part of the obstacle course. Other team numbers were there as well. It was an intense moment and we were down to our last chance! We saw what would happen when our three chances are up.. we'll be sent to the mud pit.. by a huge catapult!!! (Yes.. sent flying anime, Team Rocket style LOL!!!) You could feel the heaviness of concentration as our team mate took the last shot.. and.. WE MADE THE SCORE!!! You could feel the instant relief of pressure as we all let out a huge sigh. Onward to the next course!

- Obstacle Three -
Water float dash and retrieve!

A more tricky part of the obstacle requiring balance as well as agility. Once you fall into the water, you must start from the beginning. We were up against two other numbered teams as well during this run. I don't remember which numbers but oh well! It was too much fun anyway! The day was getting much hotter as it slowly moved into the early afternoon, so the cool water was very refreshing. Although there was no time limit during this course, our team still kept in mind to finish this area as quick as possible. One by one, we each did our best to dash across the floating platforms to the other side. We each retrieved a hula hoop that will be used in the next area of the obstacle.

- Obstacle Four -
Hula hoop balance walk.

This part of my dream was especially funny.. due to the fact we had to walk across a mud pit by balance beam while hula-hooping. If your hula hoop falls or you fall off the beam, restart! I had a lot of fun and laughs during this obstacle. Mainly because I can envision my friends, who were not very skilled with hula-hooping, and how silly they looked, haha!! (To the readers: can you imagine yourself doing this?)

There were much more obstacles after this.. but I don't remember most of them. All I have to say is, it was a lot of fun and I hope this dream would continue! Thanks for reading!! c:

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