Sunday, October 07, 2012

Mini Episodes

I had another series of short dreams. Actually much shorter than my usual ones.. like mini stories that I skimmed through quickly. Most of it doesn't make sense at all, but here goes!

[Part 1]
As I opened my eyes, all I could see was darkness.. I was in a thin white dress, dimly glowing.. it was my only source of light as I gently floated down deeper into the abyss. I closed my eyes again. It was quite relaxing.. Not too long after, I could hear soft chimes like echoing tiny bells.. curious I turned over and saw tiny specks falling up towards me. Was it rain..? No, it was snow. The crystals chimed each time they landed on my body. Ah, what a pure and gentle sound. The wind licking at my face and hair, I remained suspended while slowly drifting downwards in that position. It felt like bliss.. End.

[Part 2]
After a moment of blank, another scenario jumped out..
All I could hear was the pitched sheering sound of wood being sawed, accompanied by the slamming bangs of nails inserted into hard wood. I could feel my uneasiness build up as it crept up my spine. Shudders surged through my body, stretching out to my limbs.. what is to come!?
But nothing happened.. End.

[Part 3]
This one was smelled nice, but was weird..
My sister and I were in a heated debate, like usual when we argue, but this time it was about something out of "normal" arguments. We were arguing about who made and baked the better motorcycle cake.. Yes, a life-sized working motorcycle made out of CAKE. Although during most of the dream, it was my sister's mouth that was yapping.. and so I took the TV control and muted her. End.

[Part 4]
Just er.. no comment.. Ha;;
Ah, warmth! A soothing and relaxing kind of warmth. Then suddenly a change in the warmth.. it felt bubbly and more viscous. I couldn't open my eyes but I was still able to see what was going on around me, as if the images were transferred directly into my mind. Apparently, I was in a hot tub.. and the water was lava.. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.. |||orz..

Waking up to the last one was tiring.. What are you thinking of, my mind?!
That's all for today, thanks for dropping by!
The weather is getting colder and colder.. I want to just bury myself under blankets @~@

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