Saturday, July 28, 2012

Slightly Disturbing..

Never would I have thought to experience such excruciating pain... through rotting teeth!! Even though it was just a dream, but the vividness of my dreams allow me to experience all five senses as if it were happening. I don't remember what happened to most of it, however, the first thing I did when I woke up was lick my teeth. ^^;

It started like this...
I was fairly tanned and lightly dressed, like the way women dressed in Ancient Egypt; lightweight and.. quite transparent too. Although, it was comfortable without a doubt.. but nonetheless embarrassing.. Especially when my friends were dressed "normally". We were seated in a quiet corner, shaded from the hot sun while enjoying lunch. That's when I swept my tongue across the upper front row of my teeth and stopped at a sharp, jolting pain. I used the tip of my tongue to feel my tooth and gum. Another shock of numbing pain shot through my jaw. The tooth felt sharp, like a fang, and it hung loosely..

I touched it again, with a mirror in hand.. the root was dark, brown and dead.. like rot. I felt another surge of pain but this time it felt like an explosion of electricity throughout my body. The sky started to spin and I fell over unable to move.

This is where it turned strangely disturbing and very, very painful..;;;
My best friend Sandy ran up to me, lips moving but no sound came out. It was as if my ears were underwater. My vision was clear but my body fell limp. The throbbing pain continued from that single tooth, but the level of it increased dramatically. I felt something pulsing in my gums.. like movement.. like something had burrowed deep inside the lining of my teeth. And to my fears, it was a parasite. I managed to cough out a few words before the parasite took control of my vocal cords. My other bestie Jess, showed up and Sandy explained all the details. Jess disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a toolbox full of various sized pliers...

Tremendous.. excruciating pain shortly followed..
My friend Jess just jumped straight to a middle-sized pair of pliers, clamped down tight on my tooth and yanked at full strength. I convulsed in agony.. unable to control my body's moment. I could hear the parasite screaming inside, as well as mine, but my voice unable to escape. My tooth was deeply rooted and complex like entwined over-grown tree roots.. but it was part of the parasite's body.

Jess tugged until her strength tired out and switched places with Sandy. It continued like this for a couple of hours.. the pain felt endless. I passed out several times and regained consciousness, hopefully my dream would have ended. But it didn't... Then, more people showed up..

Ah, my classmates from Illustration came to help too! Continuous tugging and pulling on the tooth.. blood just continued to gush from the open wound.. The pain surprisingly diminished and I knew, it was almost done. Everyone's effort and strength successfully pulled out the entire body of the parasite and killed it.

I woke up shortly in cold sweat and severe pain in my mouth.. like everything in my dream happened. It was quite an unpleasant feeling to wake up to..

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