Monday, December 23, 2013

My Very Cold Weekend

I didn't really expect this winter's freezing rain would have such a huge after effect on the environment, but seeing how heavy the trees bent from the ice.. it was quite an amazing sight and also terrifying. Many trees in my neighborhood snapped from that weight and worse thing was the power outage.

Saturday - 9:30PM
  • The power fluctuations started and then around 10PM, the power was out. My family quickly found candles and placed them accordingly around the house. Luckily we had a gas stove and one can of gas or my family would have been stuck at home with cold food and water.
  • Around 10:30-ish, dad and I went outside and took close-up pics of the tree at the end of the driveway and how low it bowed. It was beautiful up close yet hazardous. It bowed as low as to my knees and it would have been hazardous to drive the car through..
  • Around 11-ish, my sister and I whacked the tree branches to lighten the weight in our PJs.
  • Went to bed early from boredom..
Sunday - Power still not back yet..
  • Slept in till 10am and had a hot instant noodle breakfast with ham and eggs~!!
  • Boiled hot water and kept them in thermoses.
  • Played with hamsters (a lot)
  • Texted lucky people with power.. (lol, they know who they are..)
  • Went to bed super early.. like around 8-9PM.
Monday Morning...
  • Woke up abruptly at 3AM due to shrieking alarm since it was out of battery and couldn't fall back asleep so did some cleaning around the house with dad. 
  • Exercised for a bit around 5AM and played Candy Crush on dad's tab (pre-charged before P.O.) and fell asleep around 6:45AM.
  • Woken up around 10:45AM to go to our Aunt's home! YAY HEAT AND HOT SHOWERS!!!!
  • Around 1PM, everyone's showered and all clean, we wiped down and cleaned every thing then headed out for a yummy hot dog lunch at Costco!!
  • After the meal, we shopped at Costco for batteries, gas, some snacks and other stuff.. as well as stopping by other stores for salt before going back to my Aunt's house.
  • Spent a good hour trying to defrost her driveway.. managed a little pathway but the ice was too thick and all the salt was sold out. 
  • Headed home and began lighting candles and prepped hot water for later!
  • 6:30PM; the power returned!!!!!
I hope everyone had a much brighter and warmer weekend~ ; v ;

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